Trade Mark Infringement: How to Protect Your Brand

Written by Anastasia Troshkova | November 30, 2023

Trade Marks

In today’s competitive business landscape, protecting your brand is essential for maintaining its value and reputation. Trade mark infringement poses a significant threat to a brand’s identity and can undermine its market position. Understanding the nuances of trade mark protection and taking proactive measures to safeguard your brand against infringement is vital in maintaining its distinctive identity.

Understanding Trade Mark Infringement

A trade mark is used to distinguish the goods or services of one trader from those of others. Trade mark infringement occurs when a third party uses a mark that is identical or similar to a registered trade mark in respect of identical or similar goods or services which creates a likelihood of confusion or association with the original mark. This can dilute the distinctiveness of the original mark, devalue the brand, lead to customer confusion and loss of sales.

Proactive Measures to Protect Your Brand

  1. Registration: Registering your trade mark is the first step in protecting your brand. By obtaining a registered trade mark, you gain exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered. Regularly monitoring the market for potential infringements is crucial in detecting unauthorised use of your mark by third parties.
  2. Conducting a Clearance Search: Before registering a trade mark, conducting a comprehensive clearance search is essential to ensure that the mark is not similar to existing marks that could lead to potential infringement claims. By conducting due diligence in the initial stages, businesses can avoid inadvertently infringing on existing trade marks and minimise the risk of future disputes.
  3. Swift Enforcement: Upon identifying potential instances of trade mark infringement, taking swift and decisive action is vital in protecting the brand’s integrity. This may include sending cease-and-desist letters, initiating negotiations with the infringing party, or pursuing legal action if necessary.
  4. Digital Monitoring: With the prevalence of online commerce, businesses should actively monitor digital platforms for potential trade mark infringements. It is important to monitor e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and online marketplaces to identify unauthorised use of your trade mark in the digital space.
  5. Licensing and Brand Guidelines: When entering into licensing agreements or collaborations, it is essential to establish clear guidelines for the use of the trade mark. This ensures that the integrity and distinctiveness of the brand are maintained, and that the trade mark is not used in a manner that could lead to consumer confusion or dilution.

Legal Remedies for Trade Mark Infringement

In the event that a trade mark infringement occurs, businesses have recourse to various legal remedies to protect their brand. These may include seeking injunction to prevent further unauthorised use of the trade mark, pursuing damages or the infringing party’s profits derived from the unauthorised use of the mark, delivery up or destruction of the infringing goods, among other remedies.


Protecting your brand against trade mark infringement requires a proactive approach. By taking strategic measures to safeguard your brand, businesses can mitigate the risk of unauthorised use and preserve the integrity of their trade marks.

If you would like to discuss protection of your brand, please drop us an email or give us a call and we will be happy to arrange a free consultation with one of our specialist IP lawyers.



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